Archive for April, 2012

April Fooled

Posted: April 2, 2012 in Blog Entries

I may be a day late, BUT it was my half-birthday yesterday! I decided to celebrate by writing a random poem about April Fool’s Day. So here we go!

Whoopee cushions, plastic wrap, and koolaid in the shower,
The time is off, the clocks are wrong, they’ve been turned back an hour.

The facebook gossip’s spreading fast, and I won’t be upstaged.
The online world is sure to freak, when they find out I’m engaged.

Newlyweds all get congrats when they say they’re having babies,
Sympathies abound the net; my dog just picked up rabies.

Buckets of water, perched on doors, are sure to get you soaked,
You may not know the reason why; this act was unprovoked.

Stink bombs flying through the air, and callers getting pranked.
Little kids are getting caught, and then they’re getting spanked.

Gummi worms in apples, and milk that’s been turned green.
These harmless acts can be real fun, so long as you’re not mean.

Just do what you think’s funny, there aren’t any rules.
‘Cause today’s the day we like to prank; today is April Fool’s.