Archive for November, 2011

Back from the Dead?

Posted: November 28, 2011 in Blog Entries

It sure has been awhile, hasn’t it? I figured it was time for me to try to re-enter into the blogging world. I really enjoyed it when I was blogging regularly, but ever since I put together my Little Biggest Loser competition, my personal blog entries have pretty much stopped. The competition is officially over in a couple of days, but I’ll talk about that more in another post.

Life has been treating me pretty well these days. I’ll be going to Weber State University come January, and I plan on studying Graphic Design. I appreciated my time down at BYU and the friendships I formed while there, but I feel like I’m more set up for success this time around. I really feel like I finally found the path that I should be on, and I’m confident in my choice. I’m still working in the Maceys Photo Lab, and I absolutely love it. Unfortunately, things have been pretty slow so I have to pick up more hours on the front end. Not my ideal situation, but I’m grateful I have the option. With no initial scholarship for school, I definitely need to earn as much money as I can (while still keeping my sanity).

A few notable things since I wrote last:

  • I got an iPhone 4S!
  • I’ve worked on some MAJOR cleaning projects in my house.
  • I redid my room. New paint, bedding, etc.
  • I considered culinary school for a short while. Some of my experiments were delicious, but I ultimately decided it wasn’t the right path for me.
  • I applied to Weber State and got accepted. I’ll be studying Graphic Design. (I know I already said this, but I felt it was worth re-iterating.)
  • My sister Chelsea is going to serve a mission in San Diego!
  • Through the Little Biggest Loser competition, I’ve helped facilitate a group of people to lose over 400 lbs!
  • I’ve also worked on some fun projects at work. For example, the Monster Mash-Up, where we’d use Photoshop to transform people into monsters! The zombie-esque image at the start of this post is a little example. It’s also somewhat paying homage to ‘The Walking Dead’, a crazy awesome show my brother got me hooked on. Not my typical cup of tea, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I may or may not go back and talk about a few things some more in the future, but all in all things are going well. I’m happy with the way things are and I’m confident in the future.