Archive for March, 2011

Looking to the Future

Posted: March 29, 2011 in Blog Entries

I’m still in that limbo period where I’m still not done with Provo, but I haven’t quite yet moved to Ogden yet. Haven’t made a whole lot of progress for awhile, so I need to get that in gear. I’ve got some good stuff to look forward to though, hence the “looking to the future” title of this entry. I definitely have quite the road in front of me, but I’m looking forward to it. I know it’ll be tough, but I’m ready for the challenge. It’s time to kick it back into gear! Getting on the Biggest Loser would still be nice don’t get me wrong, lol…but if wishes were fishes, we’d all swim away!

I was watching Biggest Loser today and there were a few moments that I thought were worth mentioning. There was a guy who almost got on the show from Ogden! He looked way familiar. Turns out he’s a friend of a friend of my sister’s. I think he was a fairly regular Maceys customer too. He and his mom were chosen as the “12 team” that didn’t make it on the show initially, but were later given a chance to get on. In tonights episode they were told if they had lost more percentage of weight than the person who had lost the smallest percentage, they would get on the show. This guy had lost 30 and his mom had lost 45, so neither of them got on the ranch. I thought that was totally lame of the show to basically say, “Here are some new people for the show…just kidding!” Sad, but I wish them well! I got a status update on the guy, and I guess he’s up to sixty pounds lost now, which is awesome. It’s TOUGH to lose weight at home, so it’s cool that he’s been working on doing it. Small world, huh? Hopefully this doesn’t hinder MY chances, lol. Both of us being from Ogden and all, lol.

The other part of the show that stood out to me was when Moses was running on the treadmill and was talking with Jillian. He said he just didn’t like doing the treadmill, and wanting to be enjoying the exercise he was doing, so he was more prone to do it. He wanted to go back to some boxing, and Jillian obliged. I think that’s a lesson we all need to learn. Yeah it’s important to do the “typical stuff” like running on a treadmill, but we also have to be able to do something we ENJOY! No one wants to do something they don’t enjoy doing. My friend Taylor has said that he’s willing to teach us (probably me and my siblings) some stuff about fighting (kid’s a ninja!), so I’m really looking forward to that in the near future. It looks to be fun and effective on the Biggest Loser, and I’m hoping to be able to transfer that over to my life.

So anyway! I’m excited for the future, whatever it holds. I’m also excited for my iPAD 2 that I just ordered in the mail!!! Should be good. Smiley face.

More Maceys Rhymes

Posted: March 28, 2011 in Blog Entries

So I did more writing at Maceys. I decided my original ‘Maceys Rap’, may have been more of a poem than a rap. This is kind of similar, so I’m not exactly sure what to call it, so I’m calling it it ‘rhymes’ rather than a poem or a rap. So this is kind of short, but I thought it was fun. Here goes nothing:

I’m bored here at work,
So I’ve decided to write
As lots of people pass by
With their Coke or their Sprite.

Standing here at self-checkout
Time can go kind of slow,
When you’re looking at the clock
Counting down to when you go.

To keep myself busy
I start to basket flippin’,
And I’m watchin’ out for spills,
So that people aren’t slippin’.

I’ve got a little screen
So I can see what people buy.
I can see if they are stealing,
Which people rarely try.

I’m the king of self-checkouts
And the checkstands are my queen.
I’ve got my own set of keys
And I work on the touch screen.

I’ve worked here for awhile,
But I still don’t run the show.
Only the blue shirts can tell us
When to stay or when to go.

Now the time is getting closer,
My shift is almost done.
The war is not yet over,
But this battle’s almost won.

That’s one more shift completed,
Which is great because I’m tired.
Today has been a great success;
I had fun and wasn’t fired!

So kind of short, kind of corny, but I have my fun!

A Tale of Two Maceys

Posted: March 26, 2011 in Blog Entries

It was the best of times…
It was the worst of times…
It was the pretty okay of times…
Rinse and repeat.

My time working at the Provo Maceys is coming to an end, but my time with the company continues on. Not going to lie, I kind of have mixed feelings about the situation, but that’s usually the case. Cumulatively, I’ve worked for Maceys for around 3.5 years, mostly at the Ogden Maceys, but I’ve spent the last seven months of so here in Provo. Maceys has been, and continues to be really pretty good to me. I quit and came back twice (once for school, once for my mission), transferred stores, and now I’m headed back to the Ogden store.

I’ll admit there have been times where I’ve been less than excited to go to work, but I think everyone deals with that. Even when I’m not the jolliest worker, I try to put on a smile, because Maceys has been good to me. I’ve been a bagger, cashier, express checker, graveyard cashier, and now I work self-checkout. When it comes to Maceys, I’ve gotten around, haha…

It’s hard to not compare one Maceys to another, but I’ve had good times (and bad times, and pretty okay times) at both. Provo may be a lot busier, but I feel like I’m more personable in Ogden because I know more people. Both stores have similar layouts, but have a few major differences. It’s funny…despite my efforts to learn the Provo aisles, I frequently revert back to the Ogden alternative when asked where something is. Luckily the produce codes are mostly the same. Now THAT would be terrible to have to relearn.

One thing both stores have in common is good people. I made some good friends at the Ogden store, and would occasionally even refer to them as my “sanity keepers.” I’ve also formed some good friendships here at the Provo store.

As my time in Provo nears its end, I’m a little sad. I’ll miss some of these people! (Yes, I meant “some”; not everyone is enjoyable, lol). It’ll be nice to see my old Ogden Maceys friends though…at least what’s left of them! Supposedly a good bunch have moved on, but that’s means new memories, right? Should be good!

So my progress has stopped for the past while. I don’t think it was one certain thing that happened, I just kind of stopped doing most the things that helped me lose weight. I became stagnant, and fell back into just living life I guess. I wasn’t doing horribly, I just wasn’t doing great. In the grand scheme of things, you could say I took a step back.

After thinking about things for awhile, I decided to take action again. I need to start getting back into my good habits, so I can work towards achieving my potential. I can’t keep wasting time; I need to get back on the weight-loss train. So all this thinking, combined with a few other things led me to one conclusion. I decided to move back to Ogden about three or four weeks sooner than I had planned.

I’ve had a good time here in Provo, and I’ll definitely miss some things about it. I’ve got some great friends and some good work friends too. However, right now I’m feeling like Provo doesn’t have much more to offer me anymore. I think moving back to Ogden is the right choice because I feel like it is going to set me up for success…or at least provide me with more opportunity. Since losing weight is my number one goal right now, I need to do whatever I can to achieve that.

In what ways can Ogden provide a positive environment to me? I’ll be able to get a membership to a gym, and I have a handful of people that would be willing to be workout buddies with me. Not having to pay rent is a definite plus, and by living at home I don’t have to pay for food either. If I leave my debit card at home, and don’t use it, I’ll still be able to eat healthy. I’ll be able to play basketball more on a regular basis too.

So I know this blog entry might seem kind of random, and may not be too substantial, but it’s what has been on my mind. I’ll be moving back in about a week and a half or so, maybe two weeks. I’d leave sooner, but I have to finish out my two-weeks notice before I transfer to the Ogden store. I feel pretty good about this decision. I may have taken a step back when I got out of my good habits, but I feel like this is taking two steps forward. Now I’ve just got to keep on walking.

Let it Rain

Posted: March 15, 2011 in Blog Entries

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I had a moment yesterday that reminded me of a special moment to me that happened last summer…so I thought I’d blog about it.  I was shooting around by myself on the courts at the Colony, and it started to rain. Rather than go in, I just kept shooting around. It was just sprinkling anyway, but my mind was taken back to a random day last spring/summer when I was home in Ogden. I can’t remember a whole lot of details, but I remember how it made me feel. Me, Dax, and a few other people (sorry guys, I can’t remember who!) went to the park to go play basketball. The weather seemed a little dreary, but we didn’t think much of it. The minute we got to the park and started unloading our stuff (phones, watches, keys, etc.)on the tables under the pavillion, it’s started raining. Less than a minute later it was POURING! We were going to leave, but we decided not to. Dax and one of his buddies went out to shoot, and then I followed.

Now I love playing basketball and I love the rain (actually for the same reason), but I rarely get to combine the two…I feel like when I’m shooting baskets or when I’m listening to the rain, it’s a time where I can really think; a time where I can clear my head; a time I can really just appreciate life. Being able to shoot hoops in the rain amplified that effect. I was calm, happy, and didn’t care about whatever was causing me stress at the time. I was surrounded by people I cared about, doing something I loved, and we were all soaking in the rain. It was a good moment, and one that I won’t forget anytime soon.

Some people might think I’m a little crazy, and may wonder why I shared that story. I think it’s important to take the time to really just ponder and enjoy life, time to ‘be still’ if you will. Too many people (myself included) get WAY too caught up in life. They’re so involved they don’t take time for themselves. Even if they’re not busy, it’s easy to just go through the motions. I’ve been trying for awhile to set aside time for myself on a regular basis. It’s invigorating.

I was glad I was able to relive my basketball/rain experience. I think we all need moments like that. I’m looking forward to lots of basketball, and hopefully some good rainstorms as well. (I would end with a smiley face here, but dang wordpress automatically converts it to an emoticon. Lame.)

My Biggest Loser Video

Posted: March 14, 2011 in Blog Entries

So here’s my Biggest Loser Submission Video. It’s kind of long, but if you watch it, let me know what you think!

Casting Call

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Blog Entries

So it’s been quite the day. The bad news is I’m still pretty sick, but overall today was a decent day. Today was the day of The Biggest Loser Season 12 Open Casting Call. I started out at the lovely hour of 4:00 a.m. after only getting a couple hours of sleep. I got ready and drove to the Maverik Center (formerly the E Center) in West Valley City. Instructions had told people to not line up more than three hours before, but some people had camped out! Good for them I guess, lol. I got there at about 5:30, and there were more than 200 people in front of me. The casting call didn’t officially start until 8:00, so I waited…and waited…and waited. Fun stuff for sure!

I thought I was pretty prepared for this casting call. I’d brought snacks, water, stuff to do, my camera, etc., but I didn’t realize we’d be standing outside for hours. Now I know standing on cement can be fun, but the fact that it rained off and on (of course I didn’t think to bring an umbrella) made it all that much more entertaining. I was stuck next to a really annoying lady who I swear didn’t have the weight to lose anyway. I mostly just listened to my iPod until the line started to move. One funny thing that happened was there were some workers going around trying to sell hot chocolate, coffee, and DONUTS to the people in line. Donuts to people trying out for The Biggest Loser? Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose? They should’ve been selling umbrellas, lol. Also, they were treating the restrooms like it was a hostage situation. Since no one was allowed in the building yet (officially), they only allowed two people of each gender in at a time. It made me laugh. It’s times like that I’m glad I’m a guy because the line tends to move a lot quicker.

I finally got inside the Maverik Center at around 8:30, grabbed an application to fill out, and waited about an hour and a half until my number (#237) was called. They had everyone waiting around the ice rink, and had The Biggest Loser playing in the background. They called groups of twelve up at a time for the casting call. After explaining some details, they took us into a room where we just sat in a semi-circle around a casting director. She asked us a few questions (name, location, job, weight to lose, etc.) and that was it! We left our pictures and our applications on our chairs. They said if we had a callback we would know by 8:00 that night.

So the sad news is I didn’t get a callback. I felt really confident about my casting call too. I was dressed nice, answered confidently, and showed my personality. Oh well though! I knew my chances were slim. I’ll still send in my video though. Overall, even though parts of the casting call weren’t too fun, it was still a good experience. If anything, it helped me realize that I’m more in control of my weight than A LOT of people out there. I feel like I dress well for my weight too. Even though I didn’t get a call back, I gained some perspective that I think is going to help me in my future efforts.

So fate and I have an interesting relationship with one another. Whenever I have a potentially detrimental idea (concerning my weight), whether I plan on acting on it or not, fate gives me an opportunity to do the right thing. I’ll elaborate. I’d mentioned in my last entry that part of me thought I should slack off to increase my chances of getting on The Biggest Loser. I knew it was a dumb idea, but I felt like fate convinced me even more.

I weighed myself when I got back from work today. Since the last week and a half or two weeks haven’t been too great, I expected to gain some weight. To my surprise, I’d lost weight! I weighed in at about 311.5 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to over 20 pounds! It helped me realize that even if I don’t make it on the Biggest Loser, I can still do this by myself. I still need to do this, no matter what happens. I was wondering how I lost weight, so I started thinking about it. I came up with a few ideas:

  • Maybe my good start got my metabolism going
  • Even though I had an off week or so, I didn’t go crazy
  • I’ve been sick for awhile, so I’ve eaten less
  • Last Sunday was fast Sunday

So those are just a few thoughts. Either way, I’m happy with the progress! I know I’ve got to keep on going so I can continue to see progression. I need to kick this cold (or whatever it is I’ve got), and get back to what I was doing. I’m still trying out for The Biggest Loser, so I’m looking forward to that casting call experience. I’ve enjoyed getting into watching The Biggest Loser this season. One cool quote from today’s episode (by Jillian) said something to the effect of, “Don’t give all the reasons you’re going to fail. Give the reasons you’ll succeed!” I thought that was a great quote.

(Random interjection: So the scale I’ve been using might actually be on the fritz, so there’s a good chance my 311.5 pounds or so is off. I’m not going to make it official. I think I’ll wait a week (until next Wednesdays weigh-in) and see where I’m actually at. That way I can stay consistent with my usual day and time for the weigh-in.)

In other random news, I decided to buy some Skechers Shape-Ups. I know they may seem a little bit crazy at first, but they’re supposed to be wonderful for your feet. I’m forever trying to find out how to ease the soreness of my feet during (and especially after) work, so I’m hoping these help. They’re also supposed to help your posture and your overall fitness. Should be good!

Eggs and Baskets

Posted: March 7, 2011 in Blog Entries

I mentioned in my earlier blog post that I hadn’t had a good week this past week. I think I exercised maybe once. I did play a little bit of basketball, but nothing too substantial. The reasoning? Simply laziness. I got out of the habit, and it was easier to get out of the habit again the day after that, and so on. I just weighed myself, and I’m sitting around 320 now. That means since I got in my “slump” I put on about six pounds or so. That’s scary to me. I haven’t been going crazy or anything; I just stopped trying as hard.

I’ve been trying to think of what crazy reasoning I’ve been using for my laziness, and I haven’t come up with a solid answer. There’s part of me that thinks since I’m trying out for The Biggest Loser this coming Saturday, it might be okay to let myself slide a little bit. Maybe it would give me the edge I needed or something. The smarter side of me knows better. The Biggest Loser is all about LOSING weight, not letting yourself slack so you have a better chance of getting on the show. That’s not what it’s about.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to have the opportunity to get on the show, but I know that my chances are slim (pun intended). I still plan on trying out, because the only thing I’ve got to lose is what I want to lose anyway! I’m not going to use it as an excuse though. I can’t put all my eggs in one basket. If I rely on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, I’ll never get anywhere. If I were to adopt that philosophy, it would almost be as if I was saying, “Retirement plan? Winning the lottery.” Dumb.

So morale of this story? I’m going to use this week to try and kick things back in gear. After work tomorrow, I’m going to come up with a plan for this week, and do my best to stick to it. Ultimately I know that when I’m on the right track, I’m happier anyway. However, I am going to throw a few eggs in the Biggest Loser basket, and try to make a good video and do well at the open casting call. Maybe I’ll post my video on here once it’s done. So…Here I go!

Maceys Rap

Posted: March 6, 2011 in Blog Entries

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I had kind of a down week. I slipped into some old habits and actually gained some weight this past weigh-in. Kinda stinks, but I”m not going to dwell on it. I’ve actually decided I’m going to apply for the Biggest Loser though! They’re having an open casting call near Salt Lake this upcoming Saturday, so I’m planning on going to that. I’ve also been working on a video to submit. I’ll probably post that on here when I get it done, but for now…I’ve got something pretty awesome to share!

Last summer when I was working at the Ogden Maceys I had a day where it was REALLY slow, so a few co-workers and I decided we would write little raps about the store. I took the idea and ran with it. I brought what I wrote home and then lost it! A few days ago my family found it, and my sister typed it up and sent it to me. There’s not a real definite ending, and some of the rap is a little bit forced, but here it is! I hope you enjoy my corny-ness! (It’s a tad long, but it’s fun. Reading it out loud adds to the effect.)

Maceys Rap!

Welcome to our store
You know we never bore
You come inside for just one thing
But always leave with more

We’re always in good moods
We’re real cool gals and dudes
We hope you’ve found all that you want
Especially frozen foods

Paper or plastic
You’re either calm or you’re spastic
We’ve got great deals throughout the store
And they are all fantastic

When you go through express
You’ll never get depressed
We always try our best
To help out every single guest

If you ever need assistance
You’ll never find resistance
We’re not like other stores who
Don’t acknowledge your existence

Now if you scream and shout
Because you are in doubt
Our great cashiers will calm you down and
Quickly check you out

You’ll always have a bagger
With great style and swagger
They’ll have your groceries bagged
Before you can say Mick Jagger

If you need a stocker
Because you use a walker
They’ll help you reach the stuff up high,
Which shouldn’t be a shocker

If you are wary
To tarry in the dairy
A smiling face will help you know
That it is not too scary

And if you want some chicken
That’s hot and finger-lickin’
Our service deli peeps will help
And make sure you’re not stricken

When you want a baked good
To eat when in the hood
Just visit Macey’s bakery
And get the stuff you should

If you want something credible
But not something that’s edible
A visit with our non-foods guys
Will never be regrettable

For a vegetable or fruit
Or even ginger root
Our produce friends will hook you up
Because they give a hoot

If you’re young or old
And you want something cold
Ask the frozen guys just where to go
And they’ll make sure you’re told.


So that’s it! I’m crazy, I know. I should make up a verse about self-checkout now. I know I’m pretty corny and can’t rap, but I can still bust a rhyme! Ha! Anyway, it was fun. I just thought I’d share that little bit of history.