Fighting the Cookie Monster

Posted: February 3, 2011 in Blog Entries

I think most people would agree that when you are trying to do something good, opportunities to thwart your plans are constantly presenting themselves. This is definitely the case as I go about my weight loss journey. I guess if the odds weren’t against me, I’d have gotten thin a long time ago.

To explain the picture a little bit, it’s a picture of some ‘cookie monster’ cupcakes. The temptation I recently came across was cookies, and I felt like this was a fun picture to represent that. Here’s the story:

A few months back I randomly decided to make some oreo truffles for a girl that Daniel and I hometeach (Jenni), since it was her birthday. I ended up making way more than I planned, so my roommates and I delivered some to some of our friends across the street. Well, fast-forward a few months, and some of those girls decided to be nice and bring back the plate…with some cookies on it! Kaitie and Carli made some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for our apartment and dropped them by last night. Let the temptation begin!

I had been doing really well for about three days in a row. I made my roommate Dan take the cookies into the kitchen so they wouldn’t be as tempting. His efforts seemed futile though. The cookies were still taunting. I’ll admit I laughed at myself because I felt a little pathetic. Dessert-ish things just seem EXTRA good when you’re trying to eat healthy.

I succeeded in avoiding the cookies that night, but the temptation was still there when I woke up. I tried to get my roommates to eat them, but they were still there in the morning. Rather than continuing this ridiculous struggle, I decided I would make a deal with myself. I would allow myself one cookie and in exchange I would shoot hoops for an extra thirty minutes.

Morale of the story? The cookie was delicious and basketball was fun. Even though I ate the cookie, I still won the fight. I found a way to compromise with myself.

Drew: 1
Cookie Monster: 0

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